Java Types

Java numbers have signed two’s complements representation. Exception is int and long as they both also support unsigned integers (since Java SE 2).

Type Bits
byte 8
short 16
int 32
long 64
float 32
double 64
boolean 1
char 16

Binary Number

A binary number is a number expressed in a base-2 notation. Only 1 and 0 symbols are used to encode the number.

Two’s complement Number Representation

Two complement number representation is achieved by applying NOT operation (negating) a binary number. Most systems use Two’s complement number representation as it allows to unify addition and subtraction.

Signed and Unsigned Numbers

Unsigned binary numbers are positive numbers. For example a 8-Bit unsigned number have range of 0 - 2^8-1 (255). Signed binary numbers require arithmetic sign. The most significant bit represent the sign bit. The rest of the numbers represent the value.
